Inspired Philanthropy™ services include:
means developing a strategy around your corporate giving.
means becoming a better corporate citizen that fosters good will.
means aligning your passions with the needs of the nonprofits.
means using your business as a tool to accomplish a community goal.
means inspiring and supporting donors to give at their full potential.
means giving while living.
means building a values-driven business.
means effective grantmaking that creates an impact.
High Impact Grantmaking
As a foundation, you are in business to improve the quality of life for present and future generations.
Helping You Make An Impact
It is easy to give away money, but difficult to do it well. Our clients generally are interested in effective philanthropy.
Strategic Giving
Our goal in assisting you is not to just give back to the community, but to give back strategically.
Together We Are Better
Helping others succeed builds stronger communities. We exist to leave the world better than we found it.
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